About the Founder
Kim Koehler Privy Peach Founder
I started Privy Peach as a mission to help women in multiple aspects of their lives. My vision for Privy Peach came in a very unique way.
I have been an entrepreneur for 16 years and have always had a creative mind. I successfully created and launched multiple advertising and marketing campaigns over the last decade.
Being from Colorado, I noticed that there was a huge lack of cannabis products marketed towards women. The products that I did see were basically identical to what was available for men, just in floral packaging or with cute names.
There was nothing that really targeted women-specific issues. Even lotions and bath soaks smelled masculine or simply like weed. I hadn’t come across any female-targeted cannabis products that, without the labels, would clearly be geared towards women.
I decided it would be my mission to make a line of products that would make women feel good, smell good, or look good.
I can’t remember where I first heard of the concept of
cannabis-infused lube, but I started asking around. The consensus was clear; cannabis improves sex. I set out to create a natural lubricant created specifically for people with sensitivities.
I also sought to create a product without psychoactive effects, as I have never been much
of a cannabis consumer myself; THC makes me very paranoid and anxious.
I then discovered the holy Grail, CBD, the non-psychoactive
cannabinoid found in both marijuana and hemp plants. I also learned that CBD, when isolated and derived from hemp in a compliant extraction
facility, was legal to be shipped nationwide. I initially didn’t realize that you could derive CBD from hemp, and when I figured that out it really helped me move forward.
One of the amazing things about CBD is its anti-inflammatory quality.As an individual who suffered with severe pelvic pain during sex for multiple years, due to inflammation and muscle issues from a trauma I experienced, a light bulb went off.
Why wouldn’t I be able to create an intimate oil that could not only increase circulation, but also provide anti-inflammatory benefits?
Trying to help mask my issues, doctors had prescribed topical
medications, recommended pelvic physical therapy, and tried other options, but nothing worked. Almost every time I had sex it ended in tears. The pain was excruciating.
As I started researching how I could get this first project done, I literally cried because I truly felt like I had finally found my
purpose. I didn’t exactly know how to break it to my pretty conservative family. “Hi mom, I’ve decided I’m going to risk everything in my life, including my reputation, and start making weed lube!”
However, when I broke the news to my mother, she was very supportive. That was a huge sense of relief for me.
I worked with an amazing female chemist in Boulder, who help me
figure out ratios of what would be most beneficial for the different projects I was doing. Making the product was the easy part; then came
the testing phase. I was initially fairly shy about trying to get people to actually try the intimate oil during sex, and to report back to me. Surprisingly, I had several willing volunteers. I officially opened my doors (well, online doors) on January 13, 2018.
It’s very humbling that the talk about Privy Peach has been spreading like wildfire. And I have literally had reviews of my products bring me to tears.
One woman accredited Privy Peach to potentially saving her marriage because she finally was able to feel comfortable having sex again.
Another woman said she “literally cried happy tears” because she hadn’t been able to enjoy sex due to pain.
The amazing thing about CBD is that it doesn’t numb you; it just
helps relax you, and bring inflammation under control. In fact, it does quite the opposite of numbing. Some studies show that CBD also increases circulation, making the good sensations even more noticeable.
I currently have 5 different products in my Between the Sheets line (the intimate line). They all have their own unique benefits. I also have used the knowledge I have gained from my research of CBD to
develop other bath and body products.
One of the biggest problems is the lack of education when it comes to
CBD. People don’t know the difference between THC and CBD. They are worried that they will get high; people are worried that they will fail drug tests, or will be doing something illegal.
As CBD becomes more mainstream, as it is, rapidly, I feel you will see this gem that is a part of the cannabis plant being infused into all kinds of cosmetics, foods, hair products, and more.
Privy Peach has already changed several lives, especially my own, and I am honored and proud to be part of this CBD movement.